Special Offers
To take advantage of these savings, mention these coupons when you call us to make your appointment! (602) 666-1289
Current Offers
- Exam + Valley Fever Testing - $99
- Includes patient examination and valley fever Testing
- $239.89 value
- Food + Environmental Allergy Panel + 6 Month Treatment Package - $499
- Includes Allergy testing for both Food and Environmental followed by a 6 month specialized treatment package based on the test findings
- $599 value
- Anal Gland Expression + Nail Trim - $50
- Includes anal gland expression and nail trim (Does not include consultation)
- If anal glands are impacted/infected consultation and treatment will be recommended
- $69.50 value
- Dental Special with Isoflurane - $350
- Includes Dental cleaning, any pain/antibiotic injections and medications
- DOES NOT include pre-anesthetic bloodwork or tooth extractions
- $500 + Value
- Dental Special with Sevoflurane - $450
- Includes Dental cleaning, any pain/antibiotic injections and medications
- DOES NOT include pre-anesthetic bloodwork or tooth extractions
- $600 + Value
- Exam + Preventative Blood Work - $100
- Includes patient examination and In house CBC + Chem 10
- $175 value